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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

    I really cannot understand your way of thinking. You are afraid that some interracial relationships with people of darker skincolor could destroy our culture, heritage or race but in the same time you don't see the massive threat that comes from our bullnecked mafiosi ?!
    Please could you tell us why the skincolor of an ODAR is the decisive factor related to the question if this person is a threat to our culture ?
    There is a gab between theory and practice.

    I will give you an example. One of the most radical neo-nazis from Germany/Austria was Nick W. Greger. This guy fell in love with a herereo girl and all the nazi propaganda could not change his feelings towards this dark-skinned woman from Africa.
    We Armenians have never been racists and this is also part of our great ancient culture. I will not change my armenian mentality just becaus some idiots think that we all should be blond and blue-eyed !
    Last edited by HermanGerman; 08-06-2011, 06:32 AM.


    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

      Originally posted by HermanGerman View Post
      I really cannot understand your way of thinking. You are afraid that some interracial relationships with people of darker skincolor could destroy our culture, heritage or race but in the same time you don't see the massive threat that comes from our bullnecked mafiosi ?!
      Please could you tell us why the skincolor of an ODAR is the decisive factor related to the question if this person is a threat to our culture ?
      There is a gab between theory and practice.

      I will give you an example. One of the most radical neo-nazis from Germany/Austria was Nick W. Greger. This guy fell in love with a herereo girl and all the nazi propaganda could not change his feelings towards this dark-skinned woman from Africa.
      We Armenians have never been racists and this is also part of our great ancient culture. I will not change my armenian mentality just becaus some idiots think that we all should be blond and blue-eyed !
      I'm looking at all of this on a larger scale. First off, I hate Nazism and Fascism from the bottom of my heart, and what I'm saying has nothing to do with those ideologies. What I'm saying is regarding the preservation of Armenian culture and values, through the preservation of the family unit. The multicultural/Western values aim to destroy that family unit.

      The ideals of multiculturalism are also dangerous for Armenian people, and in order to preserve our culture and our family, this has to be made possible by the parents. Armenians going of marrying blacks, muslims, and asians, make this preservation much harder, and in order to preserve the national character, Armenians should marry, if not possible armenians, than similar people, for examples European Christians, especially Greeks, Georgians, Russians, etc.

      But, instead of our society fostering multicultural values and this globalised, corporate culture, we should seek to strongly sustain our historic national character and values. We should seek to smartly take in and reject ideals from the West. The ideals we take in should not destroy these values.
      Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
      "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


      • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

        Mos jan, most of the people you are debating with are on the path to self-destruction vis a vis Armenian identity. It makes them feel good to sputter comments about open mindedness and multi-culturalism, equality, etc. They do not wish to see that nature has its own hierarchy and it is true among mankind as well. The cultural relativists and marxists have planted their seeds far and wide.
        For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
        to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


        • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

          Originally posted by Mos View Post
          When did I say women should not be respected? I'm am talking about a simple demand, and that is the preservation of the strong family centred culture of Armenians. In the modern Western culture, there's a great emphasis on this independent, and rebellious mindset, in all values that go opposite of the family oriented culture of ours. One of the examples of this, is women not listening to their family, doing things that are against the interests of her family, and so on. Parents often times know much better than a young, inexperienced girl who things she is making the "right choices" when in fact it can very well be an illusion. I would say the current Western mindset towards woman devalues them more than their role in Armenian culture of family.

          There are values of the Western culture that can and have negatively impacted men as well, though in different ways and in my view less serious ways.

          All I'm asking for is the preservation of Armenian culture and values, through which the motherly element of women is crucial. I don't want Armenians to get lost forever in this globalist, corporate culture that is spreading around the world. Our culture and values are much richer and absolutely worth sustaining.

          To say that you think women need to have decisions made for them because they cannot or are somehow more likely than men to make good decisions is disrespectful.

          A source of rebellion is the "authoritarian" style parenting that is so prevalent in our culture. My point was that with this sort of mind-set you will alienate even the women who DO value our culture and wish to preserve it. It is counterproductive.

          Even if your intentions are good (and I do think that yours are), I do not think the way to encourage people to make decisions that will help preserve culture is to take the decision away from them.

          Incidentally, there is a body of research examining decision making (particularly moral decision making) that finds that women have a tendency toward more collectivistic thought. They are more concerned about how their decisions impact those around them (particularly family and friends) than men.

          Originally posted by Armanen View Post
          Mos jan, most of the people you are debating with are on the path to self-destruction vis a vis Armenian identity. It makes them feel good to sputter comments about open mindedness and multi-culturalism, equality, etc. They do not wish to see that nature has its own hierarchy and it is true among mankind as well. The cultural relativists and marxists have planted their seeds far and wide.
          To whom are you referring?
          [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
          -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


          • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

            Originally posted by Siggie View Post
            To say that you think women need to have decisions made for them because they cannot or are somehow more likely than men to make good decisions is disrespectful.

            A source of rebellion is the "authoritarian" style parenting that is so prevalent in our culture. My point was that with this sort of mind-set you will alienate even the women who DO value our culture and wish to preserve it. It is counterproductive.

            Even if your intentions are good (and I do think that yours are), I do not think the way to encourage people to make decisions that will help preserve culture is to take the decision away from them.

            Incidentally, there is a body of research examining decision making (particularly moral decision making) that finds that women have a tendency toward more collectivistic thought. They are more concerned about how their decisions impact those around them (particularly family and friends) than men.

            To whom are you referring?
            Bravo, Siggie!!! Avely geesht. Stupid is as stupid does with all the backward arse thinking.
            Between childhood, boyhood,
            & manhood (maturity) there
            should be sharp lines drawn w/
            Tests, deaths, feats, rites
            stories, songs & judgements

            - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


            • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

              So the conclusion of the majority is, preservation of Armenian identity is very important , we just have to know what is the motivation of mostly armenian woman that will go in relationship with a foreigner,or worse marrying him , and dont tell me pure love cause when we see numbers in diaspora keep growing is surtelny something else...

              I personally hate when armenian girls are not dating armenian guys while they have them around ,some of them are being very "open" to lets say greek guys but when they are around armenian guys they behave them selfs ,non les our woman are hypocrites but also they dont care about there heritage pursuing personal gains money good life atc.


              • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                Originally posted by Siggie View Post
                To whom are you referring?

                I'm referring to those who fit my description.
                For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                  Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                  I'm referring to those who fit my description.
                  That's a non-answer, but okay.
                  [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
                  -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


                  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                    Originally posted by Siggie View Post
                    To say that you think women need to have decisions made for them because they cannot or are somehow more likely than men to make good decisions is disrespectful.

                    A source of rebellion is the "authoritarian" style parenting that is so prevalent in our culture. My point was that with this sort of mind-set you will alienate even the women who DO value our culture and wish to preserve it. It is counterproductive.

                    Even if your intentions are good (and I do think that yours are), I do not think the way to encourage people to make decisions that will help preserve culture is to take the decision away from them.

                    Incidentally, there is a body of research examining decision making (particularly moral decision making) that finds that women have a tendency toward more collectivistic thought. They are more concerned about how their decisions impact those around them (particularly family and friends) than men.
                    I never said that all decision for women need to be made. My statement is different. It's that women should stay part of the family centre, which they are an important part of. They can still make decisions, no one is stopping them, but keeping them in a family environment will encourage more healthy decisions both for themselves and for our people. When people go against their family, seperate from them, don't talk with them, and the family collapses, so does many more things. The family oriented environment of our culture is very important and needs to be kept. In the globalised modern culture, this family unit is under attack, and thus those forces seperate this unitwhich in turn attacks a core part of Armenian culture. It is like taking away the bottom foundation piece of a building.

                    I never brought in here "authoritarian" parenting style, I didn't even talk about parenting style, my message is rather simple - it is for the preservation of an elemental thing in human society and in turn the preservation of Armenian values and culture, in the face of all this modern values and culture that is being thrown at all societies with the information age. We need to learn how to take some of these modern ideas, thoughts in a way in which we won't destroy in our society our rich culture and cherished values.
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                      Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
                      So the conclusion of the majority is, preservation of Armenian identity is very important , we just have to know what is the motivation of mostly armenian woman that will go in relationship with a foreigner,or worse marrying him , and dont tell me pure love cause when we see numbers in diaspora keep growing is surtelny something else...

                      I personally hate when armenian girls are not dating armenian guys while they have them around ,some of them are being very "open" to lets say greek guys but when they are around armenian guys they behave them selfs ,non les our woman are hypocrites but also they dont care about there heritage pursuing personal gains money good life atc.
                      Probably it is because of people like you, and those who fit your description. What woman would want to date or be married to someone with your attitudes when there are far better alternatives available.
                      Plenipotentiary meow!

