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Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

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  • Hakob
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
    I can also point out 2 things I've noticed that testify to him not being psychologically all there:

    1) He spends way too much time on this forum. This is consuming his mind, time and energy. Any mentally healthy person is not consumed as such. This is an obvious indicator this guy has psychological issues.

    2) He is very vicious towards Armenians and the way he expresses himself clearly shows a lot of rage, anger, and bitterness. Typically, if a subject results in such emotions, a normal persons steers clear of the source of such emotions. This guy, however, keeps coming back to the source--NOT NORMAL. He talks down, diminishes, and looks down upon Armenians--he is clearly not a neurtral person, and he is not attempting to be rational--anytime you try to present an entire nation of people in a negative light your credibility is automatically thrown out the window.

    In short, this guys obviously has some serious issues. Normal people normally steer clear of unpleasant topics--this guys clearly can't let go.

    To tell you honestly, I like Bell's ideas about Armenia's possible strategic plans at time of war with baboonistan. About concentrated damage and breaking of the enemy's will in war continuation. About unproductive and unnessesary thoughts of capturing baku. He has some good ideas and knowledge about lots of other things too. But what bothers me is his cinicism towards the subject he is supposedly expressing himself about. If you are so cynical about something then why are you interested in it? His satirical expressions about "our 3000 yr hystory" leaves me in doubt as to what is his intention? What, we should not be proud of our history? No matter what is happening now, the history is there and need be taken into account for future.
    He knows a lot, that is abvious, he is very intelligent also. But expressing ideas is not just enough. Need a little more compassion about subject. Just flat thruths or calculations cannot get to their point without a little bit honey in them.
    Sometimes I wonder if he comes here just to destroy a subject. Like human rights or freedoms. Taking a problem in the face and slapping it around is not the way.
    Last edited by Hakob; 10-09-2013, 06:05 PM.

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  • hagopn
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    ...and he is a Russophobe and banned from at least one other forum.

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  • Artsakh
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
    Your story is biased and the only thing central is your attempt to show that Armenians don't care where in fact they are very accommodating. You speak as if you are an Armenian living in Yerevan as if you have the right.....and you really believe that we think you care for inconveniences on Armenian families in Armenia.

    You are nothing but a fake and I am calling you out.
    I can also point out 2 things I've noticed that testify to him not being psychologically all there:

    1) He spends way too much time on this forum. This is consuming his mind, time and energy. Any mentally healthy person is not consumed as such. This is an obvious indicator this guy has psychological issues.

    2) He is very vicious towards Armenians and the way he expresses himself clearly shows a lot of rage, anger, and bitterness. Typically, if a subject results in such emotions, a normal persons steers clear of the source of such emotions. This guy, however, keeps coming back to the source--NOT NORMAL. He talks down, diminishes, and looks down upon Armenians--he is clearly not a neurtral person, and he is not attempting to be rational--anytime you try to present an entire nation of people in a negative light your credibility is automatically thrown out the window.

    In short, this guys obviously has some serious issues. Normal people normally steer clear of unpleasant topics--this guys clearly can't let go.

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  • Eddo211
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    Of course being thrown out of your home of 20 years, with just 10 days notice, into a city with a chronic shortage of liveable apartments, is part of the story. It is central to the story!

    And it will be a lot more than a mere "inconvenience" for those affected
    Your story is biased and the only thing central is your attempt to show that Armenians don't care where in fact they are very accommodating. You speak as if you are an Armenian living in Yerevan as if you have the right.....and you really believe that we think you care for inconveniences on Armenian families in Armenia.

    You are nothing but a fake and I am calling you out.

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
    This must be cat reasoning to twist and justify your logic to see things that don't exist....and you think we buy that.
    Trolling again eddo? Didn't you learn anything when you got your knuckles rapped earlier this week for doing it?

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Bell unless they were promised the apartments and later denied then the only problem would be the short notice if indeed that part of the story is true. It sure would be a inconvenience but it seems that it is part of the job they signed up for. This story reminds me of this family that made all kinds of renovations to the house they were renting then asked the owner to sell it to them and he refused. The owner never implied he would sell them the house thus there is no injustice here.
    Of course being thrown out of your home of 20 years, with just 10 days notice, into a city with a chronic shortage of liveable apartments, is part of the story. It is central to the story!

    And it will be a lot more than a mere "inconvenience" for those affected
    Last edited by bell-the-cat; 10-08-2013, 11:23 AM.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    You are bias on who you choose to criticize. Yes imperialism is bad and yes Russia is imperialistic but so are all of the other countries i mentioned some of which are far worst imperialists like Great Britain (which aint so great) and USA. Look at all the damage they have done to the world and compare it to Russia -- Words like Czar, dictator, monarch, not mean much Mr Servo. There are plenty of good and bad examples of all of these structures in history - the motivations of these leaders were and continue to be far more important then the structure of their rule.

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  • TomServo
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Tom you are extremely biased in your criticisms which are more often then not apply to both parties but in your languadge are limited to only one side getting the blame. Yeh Putin acts like an imperialist yeh you know just like France, Germany, Britain, USA..yet Russian empire has killed far fewer people and caused far less hardship and damadge then the Germans, Americans, British..but hey you choose to pick on Putin the most there hence lies your prejudice.
    How can I be biased in my criticisms?

    In your frenzy to attack the West, you forgot to mention another destructive empire: the Ottoman one. We can agree that there's nothing very nice about imperialism and countries that continue to think like empires -- that includes Russia.

    And of course I choose to pick on Putin. When you act like a (self-appointed) czar, you're going to get called out on it.

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  • Eddo211
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    The article says that they were initially there because they (or family members) were employed inside the Russian military base. They are called "service apartments" in the text. And I don't see why that should have changed - there is nothing said in the text that they are not, or that they are retired. So it seems more likely either the accomodation is paid for as part of their wages or is an informal perk of employment, or, most likely, they do pay some rent but do not have security of tenancy because they are service appartments. The problem is thus the very short eviction notice period, and their annoyance that they were not allowed to buy their appartments like everyone else but were still expected to pay for their upgrading over the years (and now it is some newly-arrived Russians who will benefit from the improvements to the flats they made). That seems plenty of things to be complaining about.

    Those who were there who were Armenian citizens were later allowed to buy their flats (which suggests that the flats were - and the unsold ones still are - actually owned by the Armenian state), but those who were Russian citizens were not allowed to do this under Armenian law, even though they were ethnic Armenian.
    This must be cat reasoning to twist and justify your logic to see things that don't exist....and you think we buy that.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Bell unless they were promised the apartments and later denied then the only problem would be the short notice if indeed that part of the story is true. It sure would be a inconvenience but it seems that it is part of the job they signed up for. This story reminds me of this family that made all kinds of renovations to the house they were renting then asked the owner to sell it to them and he refused. The owner never implied he would sell them the house thus there is no injustice here.

    Tom you are extremely biased in your criticisms which are more often then not apply to both parties but in your languadge are limited to only one side getting the blame. Yeh Putin acts like an imperialist yeh you know just like France, Germany, Britain, USA..yet Russian empire has killed far fewer people and caused far less hardship and damadge then the Germans, Americans, British..but hey you choose to pick on Putin the most there hence lies your prejudice.

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