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Vive La France !!!!!

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  • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

    Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
    What does mean?
    It means this must be the most idiotic and sickening statement ever written on this bulletin board.

    Not even a Turk would have made this statement.

    You must be mentally sick person.
    Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
    Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
    Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


    • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

      Originally posted by hrai View Post
      I have to strongly agree with this.I am half the man that those who perished were and I only can wish they could be here now to see justice done. I have no more interest in listening or intertaining that jive talk. I would not walk 10 paces down the road with that./Artashes
      And oh yes, honesty,morality,truth,decency,discretion,and for that matter common sense have nothing to with such a narrow view as has been expressed.


      • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

        Originally posted by londontsi View Post
        It means this must be the most idiotic and sickening statement ever written on this bulletin board.

        Not even a Turk would have made this statement.

        You must be mentally sick person.
        Yes when you can not attack what is in a post attack the poster, that shows how right you are.

        Because I don't presume to know what the Armenians went through? Do you know? Can you really relate to them? Can you know how it feels to lose your whole family and everything you owned? Ofcourse you can not! Then why are you trying to speak for them. I'm sick of people using the torture of their ancestors for their own gains!

        I have to strongly agree with this.I am half the man that those who perished were and I only can wish they could be here now to see justice done. I have no more interest in listening or intertaining that jive talk. I would not walk 10 paces down the road with that./Artashes
        And oh yes, honesty,morality,truth,decency,discretion,and for that matter common sense have nothing to with such a narrow view as has been expressed.
        Don't delude yourself you are not even half the man compared to those that suffered during the genocide but you have the audacity to speak in their name.


        • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

          Okay, I am tired of repeating myself... If you are not able to converse with other people and have a difference of opinion without insulting them, you do not belong on this forum. Londontsi, when you come back, remember this or your next ban will be permanent.
          [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
          -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


          • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

            The flying octopus . I'm hooked, where do I join?/Artashes--- Big smiles coming from Alaska
            Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
            KarotheGreat yes i posted in anger but most of my points were legit,i never wanted to hurt you personally im sorry if i did so.
            I'm targeting towards the people that react to such law and for my sadness i can see that the next good thing for armenia ...,and to put into realization of what the turks and muslims are doing to europe you are against the spread of the law into other european or non nations.
            This is good for THE VICTIMS and no i'm not into having all kinds of religious sect running in the streets and recruiting stupid people , cause stupid people will do and believe in such.

            Now i got my own religion named the Flying Octopus and we like to spread lies do you want to join? We also believe that the 2012 is the end of the world so will do group suicides wanna join? What you say no ? well ok il go talk to some other folks cause i got the freedom to do so...


            • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

              Originally posted by UrMistake View Post

              Now i got my own religion named the Flying Octopus and we like to spread lies do you want to join? We also believe that the 2012 is the end of the world so will do group suicides wanna join? What you say no ? well ok il go talk to some other folks cause i got the freedom to do so...
              What does the discussion about this law have to do with religions?

              Also, be more original It's clear your Flying Octopus is a cheap immitation of His Noodliness. Everyone knows that noodles > tentacles.

              [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
              -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


              • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

                Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
                How many of those victims are alive today? You aren't a victim neither am I nor anyone posting on this side is a victim. The same way I am not a victim because my great grandfather was send to the gulags.
                There are people who like being classed as a "victim", mostly to get (or retain) some sort of advantage over non-"victims". We have the children of the children of J3wish Holocaust survivors who claim that they too are "Holocaust surviviors" even though they are three generations removed from the event. The word "victim" or "survivor" has to mean something more than that.

                If you were deprived of property that will no longer come to you because you are the descendent of someone who had their property in Turkey confiscated, then that is a loss, and you are the victim of that loss. And if you are not able to have the option of being a part of a society because that society was destroyed by genocide before you were born then that too is a loss to you and you are a victim of that loss. And if you are not able to experience, and to pass on to your children, that society's culture and traditions because it was all destroyed, then that too is a loss and you are a victim of it. But none of this is the same as being a victim or a survivor of genocide. To claim it is, I think, demeaning those who were there and either survived or died. We can have (and express) pain and anger and sorrow over such loss, and feel empathy and a connection to those who died or survived, and have anger at those responsible for it, without having to resort to pretending we are victims.
                Last edited by bell-the-cat; 02-06-2012, 01:44 PM.
                Plenipotentiary meow!


                • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

                  Originally posted by Siggie View Post
                  Okay, I am tired of repeating myself... If you are not able to converse with other people and have a difference of opinion without insulting them, you do not belong on this forum. Londontsi, when you come back, remember this or your next ban will be permanent.
                  The group,the song/Artashes


                  • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

                    Act like children and be treated like children...
                    Anyone else need a timeout? Post insults or be offtopic.

                    Note to the wise: Do not reply.
                    [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
                    -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


                    • Re: Vive La France !!!!!

                      Ahhww Siggie u got me there :P

                      But really there are religious sect doing mass suicides ,do you remember the ones in 2000 ?
                      Well bell i'm the last from my family to carry the last name , but not only the memory of my grandfathers is the thing that marked me but also of how my ancestors and there's memory's are remembered on turkey and how they view me ,dont forget the step of genocide is the last that we are walking right now.

                      Karot u said something very wrong , if there is something toorks thinking when they planed the Genocide is that one day none will give 2 cents especially the assimilated Armenians like you, take your time and think about it. Adolf said that too,so have a spirit and pride in yourself .

                      Unjust things happen even now upon us and our nation wake up.

