Re: Religion and Atheism
Exactly! I’d just add to your above post that while the attacks on Christ’s teachings are of course nothing new, they are coming even thicker and faster since the end of 18th century when the Rothschild’s clan established Freemasonry, which is behind most of the anti-Christian messages beamed through their mass media outlets worldwide. They truly are the masters of deception and servants of evil.
The explanation of the phenomenon is relatively straightforward: Freemasonry was created in order to attract and then basically enslave as many worthy individuals as possible, to make these people work towards the strengthening of the j3wish supremacy without them actually fully understanding what they are being used for. Christian Zionism is an offshoot of Freemasonry, it is basically a simplified version of Freemasonry, which is tailor made to be attractive for the masses rather than individuals. And because the masses of the West (Christianity) are the most valuable for the Masons, in terms of their wealth and influence, the message has been made with a distinct Christian flavour.
That's brilliant!
Originally posted by yerazhishda
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The whole "Christian Zionism" phenomenon is really perplexing to me as Christians have always understood Zion/Israel/Jerusalem as a spiritual idea rather than a physical place. As Christians we are the "New Israel", but it is not a physical place. This only makes sense as Christ was fundamentally opposed to the idea of a "chosen people" and the worship of states and municipalities.
As one priest put it, "God put a limit on our intelligence, but he sure as hell didn't put a limit on our stupidity".
