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Religion and Atheism

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  • #81
    Re: Religion and Atheism

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    I agree that religion is not inherintly evile and it is people who use it for evile but i will strongly disagree that it is effective in controling evile tendencies, i would instead argue that no tool has ever been more effectively used like religion has been for justifying evile tendencies. Sure they may have used something else to justify their actions if not for religion but the fact that they chose religion means that it was the most effective tool at their disposal. Religion is too good at propogating evile and spreading ignorence, so good in fact that it is and has been the tool of choice for evile doers.
    I'm jumping in here not having read the last few pages, but I agree with this...
    A lot of evil has been done in the name of religion. It is used as just one more way to create differences between people. It's a lot easier to hurt others, especially face to face, when you can dehumanize them. Religious belief is another way to see someone as sufficiently different from oneself thus making it easier to commit acts of violence against them.
    That said, I think if there was no religion, we'd find just another reason to justify acts of violence and aggression toward others and different bases on which to create our "in-group."

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    Science itself has "created" elements to place on the periodic table which don't exist in nature. To boast that everything came from nothing is no more or no less absurd than to believe that there is/are greater sources of intelligence which created our existence. Strict evolutionary teachings has created an entire generation of students who believe in nothing, and lack creativity and the vision to think with their minds and hands. I've seen these clowns enter the workforce and within a week start accumulating injury reports. They are pretty much useless as far as skills go and should just stick to taking liberal arts classes and working at walmart stocking shelves.
    This is all over the place. The fact that there are created elements doesn't mean much. I suggest actually looking at what those elements are and how they act because they only exist a very short period of time after being created precisely for that reason. There's no created element that we can make and release that continues to exist. That's really neither here nor there though...I can create a pie too, but I fail to see how that supports "Intelligent" Design/Creationism. And the alternative is not exactly that everything came from nothing. Science doesn't have all of the answers to all questions and it's okay with that because if it did our work would be done already. We are still figuring out what happened within the tiniest fractions of seconds following the big bang. We don't know what was there right before it. Don't know yet is different from thinking there was nothing there. It's easy to misrepresent and twist something in order to disagree with it, but if what you were doing was truly a critical thinking exercise and an effort at applying reason to evaluate the arguments and see which is the better supported view, then you'd put forth the effort to understand both sides and look at strengths and weaknesses of each rather than only the one you set out to knock-down because that would allow bias to trump reason.
    [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
    -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


    • #82
      Re: Religion and Atheism

      That said, I think if there was no religion, we'd find just another reason to justify acts of violence and aggression toward others and different bases on which to create our "in-group."

      That is true but there is nothing as effective as religion for those spreading evile and hate. The alternatives are way less effective and combining groups outside of racial lines would be a lot harder without religion. Getting rid of religion will elliminate the best tools bad people have at their disposal for doing bad things and there are no alternatives that come close to this one for being effective on a massive scale. At the same time the good derived from religion is rather scetchy, sure some good has come of it but where were our fellow chrystians during our genocide? Religion has created a false sence of security especially for us Armenians and we have paid for it dearly. When you take into account all the pluses and minuses religion just doesnt add up.
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • #83
        Re: Religion and Atheism

        Let's see what happened the last time people tried to "get rid of religion"


        But you see, they failed, and they failed miserably because they messed with the wrong race.

        Here are a couple videos of this authors interview (is also of j3wish descent)
        Last edited by KanadaHye; 03-30-2010, 04:21 PM.
        "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


        • #84
          Re: Religion and Atheism

          Your first link dont work well it leads to nowhere anyways. Ill have to listen to the rest of those links later but i can say without reservations that no one has suffered more then Armenians because of religion.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • #85
            Re: Religion and Atheism

            You have to copy and paste the link and replace the xxx with you know what but it's about a 500+ page history of somewhat reliable sources.
            "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


            • #86
              Re: Religion and Atheism

              It's a good book, and I'm sure haykakan will enjoy it. Plus it will give you (haykakan) more ammo to confront zionists and their supporters.
              For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
              to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



              • #87
                Re: Religion and Atheism

                Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                It's a good book, and I'm sure haykakan will enjoy it. Plus it will give you (haykakan) more ammo to confront zionists and their supporters.
                Fact is Israel won't budge from its position, 100s of years of protests have done nothing; the only solution is a single secular state not 'Palestine' or 'Israel'. Reason being that Palestine as it is now will never be enough for Palestinians and it will only cause another war, just like the one prior to the UN mandate. Israeli's don't give a damn about the UN or war crimes, tell people understand that and realise the change can only happen from within (like with South Africa) nothing will ever change; and if people try to invade Israel they will fire their nukes and annihilate their enemies (and they have the religious fervour to do so).
                Last edited by hipeter924; 03-31-2010, 12:01 AM.


                • #88
                  Re: Religion and Atheism

                  Originally posted by hipeter924 View Post
                  Fact is Israel won't budge from its position, 100s of years of protests have done nothing; the only solution is a single secular state not 'Palestine' or 'Israel'. Reason being that Palestine as it is now will never be enough for Palestinians and it will only cause another war, just like the one prior to the UN mandate. Israeli's don't give a damn about the UN or war crimes, tell people understand that and realise the change can only happen from within (like with South Africa) nothing will ever change; and if people try to invade Israel they will fire their nukes and annihilate their enemies (and they have the religious fervour to do so).

                  The book is question is not about the Palestinian-israeli conflict. It is about the zionist role in the Genocide.
                  For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                  to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                  • #89
                    Re: Religion and Atheism

                    Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                    The book is question is not about the Palestinian-israeli conflict. It is about the zionist role in the Genocide.
                    The author of the book is of Jewish descent so he merely applied his knowledge of history to his natural exposure to Zionism. The Ottoman Empire had to be dismantled to create the state of Israel and it isn't too far fetched to connect the Armenian Genocide and the elimination of a strong presence of Christians by their Muslim neighbors in the region in order to convince those in the West to go to war for the coming of their Messiah (usual Hrya tactics)

                    "In the Hebrew Bible, there are many passages that state that the Jews have a mortal enemy whom they call Amalek, and for them it is a racial belief that there is a tribe of Amalekites out to destroy the Jews. And God has commanded the Jews to completely exterminate the Amalekites... They cannot leave a single Amalekite alive... And the Jewish people associated the Armenians with the Amalekites. They believe that the Armenian people represent this racial enemy of the Jews, which has to be exterminated."

                    The ARF at the time supported the Young Turks (Committee of Union and Progress) up to the time of the genocide (they likely shared members in free masonic lodges). The CUP was a set of very well-educated Turks from Europe (specifically the Balkans); they were known to be free masons. The ARF's intentions were to have an independent Armenia.

                    Henry Morgenthau, the Zionist US Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, DID not actually help the Armenians in any way (unlike the protection he provided to the Jews of the Ottoman Empire). Although he wrote a book propagandizing the massacres and genocide of the Armenians to the American government and public (in order to turn them against the Turkish Muslims).

                    At the time, American missionaries were sent to "convert" Armenians to Christianity, but they were already Christian. The author suggests it was likely a ploy to create hysteria within the Empire that the Americans are organizing the Armenians (divide and conquer).
                    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                    • #90
                      Re: Religion and Atheism

                      Amalekites are not Armenians acording to religious J3ws........and Turks are no victims and are dirrectly responsible for AG. Damn
                      B0zkurt Hunter

