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Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

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  • Gevz
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Watch 3:26 and listen carefully. 'dursi hayer@ tox aytkan@ haskanan' this is coming from one of our heroic fighters, basically sums up all my points by the one and only Monte.

    so yeah keep lying to yourselves.

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  • Gevz
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by londontsi View Post
    From this statement you show that you do not understand Armenian.
    If you did you would have understood the meaning of the handle I am using.

    What's the big deal about a handle on a bulletin board anyway.

    You are so keen to give back lands liberated by the blood of all our heroes (which the diaspora did not participate!!)
    yet your patriotism is offended because of the handle I use.

    I want to give back lands for recognition and peace.
    I want to give back lands because no one done a thing with it for 20 + years
    I want to give back lands so we reduce our deaths on the contact line

    Don't worry about all these factors when it's not you or your family member serving on the contact line.

    ROA government wants the same thing.

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  • londontsi
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Gevz

    when you signed up to this forum all you had to do was think of an armenian city and name yourself that - but you failed at the most simplest thing and used 'london' now you are going all out Armenian and thinking you know what's up. wtf is london when we have thousands of years of history.
    From this statement you show that you do not understand Armenian.
    If you did you would have understood the meaning of the handle I am using.

    What's the big deal about a handle on a bulletin board anyway.

    You are so keen to give back lands liberated by the blood of all our heroes (which the diaspora did not participate!!)
    yet your patriotism is offended because of the handle I use.


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  • Gevz
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by londontsi View Post
    Shows your naivety.

    You do not build an army like that.

    Dumbest post ever.

    Just for the record during the liberation of Artsakh at the start we didn't/want/could build an army this came into fruition later on. again you are trying to look knowledgeable but failing miserably.

    Just in case you are slow at understanding things the number calculated wasn't for building a farking army. no one gave a fk about building an army until later on. defending the country by getting into small 'jokats' this is what won us the war 'united' together with 1 aim/goal. WAS A LARGE PART OF OUR DIASPORA PART OF IT ???????????? NO . COULD A LARGE PART OF IT HAVE BEEN? YES. DID THE DIASPORA FAIL? YES.


    you see. you don't know what to answer to these questions.
    Last edited by Gevz; 06-03-2015, 06:48 PM.

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  • londontsi
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Gevz
    ...i done a simple calculation proved how wrong you are ....
    Shows your naivety.

    You do not build an army like that.


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  • Hakob
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    [QUOTE=Gevz;359148]Do i really need to explain to you why no dual citizenship law in Armenia? It is no brainer to work this one out.

    No diasporan, a descendent of a victim of genocide that suffered for being Armenian is in any way ready to be treated with a status of foreigner in his homeland like a mexican illegal in california.
    Indeed, go ahead and explain me why no dual citizenship in Armenia? Why would you expect it to be fair to take $500mln and not give a piece of paper to those people instead?
    After all dual citizenship is the preliminary step to emigration.
    Even Soviet Union quickly gave necessary citisenship back in 1940's. Isn't Armenia the real homeland of all Armenians?
    Last edited by Hakob; 06-03-2015, 06:20 PM.

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  • Gevz
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Shant03 View Post
    Hakop, I share the same urge to show Gevz the light but he refuses. This is most likely due to his parents brainwashing him into believe everything diaspora is evil, anti-russian, westerners. Just reading these comments I would guess he is in his early 20s and lives somewhere in LA. I would even go as far to say he has been to Armenia less than a handful of times in his life time. He isn't interested in uniting armenians, he is interested in achiving the same thing the turks are which is to divide and conquer armenia. Diaspora is nothing but a tool, you can either use it and make progression easier/quicker or you can throw it away because change makes you uncomfortable.

    I don't have military background, but am fairly skilled with a variety of firearms including rifles, snipers..etc. Plus I've got years of call of duty experience under my belt

    If it came down to war, I would probably be more useful as a mechanic or something computer related as that is my background.
    1. I don't live in L.A never lived in L.A never will live in L.A or the U.S.
    2. I have been living in Armenia for 8 months of the year since 2005.
    3. I have 1 passport full of Armenia visa stamps i could show. ( but it's not a competition )
    4. I'm not in my early 20s. I don't play call of duty buddy.
    5. Never been brainwashed - just stuck in current times and looking back at the past of actual FACTS/Numbers.

    Have a good day.
    Last edited by Gevz; 06-03-2015, 06:11 PM.

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  • Gevz
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by londontsi View Post
    If you haven't done any military service I wouldn't even bother.

    Any professional army personnel would be horrified if he was allocated untrained squaddies to his fighting team.

    The problem of these self declared judges of the diaspora haven't got a clue what they are talking about.

    When they say 6 million diaspora and how many went to fight.
    Look at the idiocy of that statement.

    How many of those were not of fighting age, old and young.
    How many of them had young family to support who could not be left for somebody to look after them.
    Of all the ones who had no responsibilities and could arguably be suitable to fight had any military training to go to the front line.

    I knew a young very passionate guy who went to Karabagh.
    He was stationed far away from any fighting to help with fixing some vehicles or something.
    I would say he was more of a headache to be slotted somewhere to be busy.

    The fact is you do not learn to fight on the battlefield.
    National service was compulsory in the Soviet Union.
    Therefore you had able bodied men who could be deployed with minimal organisation.

    The cultural setup in Armenia is such that people do leave their family members with their closest relatives to go to the front line.
    Such behaviour does not exist say in the west, its impossible. Nobody will look after your family.

    In order to reiterate my point, it is a known fact that the Azeri in the Soviet army were not put into fighting units.
    They were in some working groups, while Armenians were in active units many of them having seen action in Afghanistan.
    That showed on the battlefields.

    So if you feel you are duty bound to serve your country in any war that may happen go and join the Armenian Army as a conscript as many young men are doing already.
    I hope war never starts but if it starts you would be ready to serve your country.

    Otherwise you would join those upstarts on these bulletin boards pontificating about who did what.

    PS . Lampron and Gevz
    From the quality of your debates I assume you are young and rather immature.
    That's ok.
    However if you have not done any conscript service in the Armenian Army you will not be of any value to serve your country in case of a war.
    Essentially you will be the same as all those in the diaspora you are criticizing while sitting on your pedestal.
    All your points are invalid. such as 'how many were not fighting age,young old blah blah' look at the number at 6 million heck let's call it 5 million or maybe 4 million? let's work it out @ 5% of 4,000,000. got the number? even though more than 5% were fit to fight otherwise you wouldn't have a 8 million diaspora from 4-5-6 million.

    This is another baseless rubbish comment with no reality National service was compulsory in the Soviet Union.
    Therefore you had able bodied men who could be deployed with minimal organisation.

    Yes it was compulsory. Just because it's compulsory it doesn't make you have everyone being competent and ready and 'trained' just for the record we are a nation of everyone who wants to be a boss - most during soviet time never served properly to begin with never really cared they just done it just because it was 'compulsory' .

    Half the people that started fighting in Artsakh from day 1 never even knew how to fire a gun properly.

    Nothing justifies under 1000 man coming to fight. don't lie to yourself and make excuses.

    By turning up on the day you didn't need to grab an ak47 and fight you could help with other things. but the main point is it didn't happen.
    Last edited by Gevz; 06-03-2015, 06:10 PM.

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  • Shant03
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Hakop, I share the same urge to show Gevz the light but he refuses. This is most likely due to his parents brainwashing him into believe everything diaspora is evil, anti-russian, westerners. Just reading these comments I would guess he is in his early 20s and lives somewhere in LA. I would even go as far to say he has been to Armenia less than a handful of times in his life time. He isn't interested in uniting armenians, he is interested in achiving the same thing the turks are which is to divide and conquer armenia. Diaspora is nothing but a tool, you can either use it and make progression easier/quicker or you can throw it away because change makes you uncomfortable.

    I don't have military background, but am fairly skilled with a variety of firearms including rifles, snipers..etc. Plus I've got years of call of duty experience under my belt

    If it came down to war, I would probably be more useful as a mechanic or something computer related as that is my background.
    Last edited by Shant03; 06-03-2015, 05:50 PM.

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  • londontsi
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Shant03 View Post
    ....In terms of fighters. if the day comes, I will evaluate where Armenia needs me the most and will do that.
    If they need me in the hills that's where i'll be.
    If you haven't done any military service I wouldn't even bother.

    Any professional army personnel would be horrified if he was allocated untrained squaddies to his fighting team.

    The problem of these self declared judges of the diaspora haven't got a clue what they are talking about.

    When they say 6 million diaspora and how many went to fight.
    Look at the idiocy of that statement.

    How many of those were not of fighting age, old and young.
    How many of them had young family to support who could not be left for somebody to look after them.
    Of all the ones who had no responsibilities and could arguably be suitable to fight had any military training to go to the front line.

    I knew a young very passionate guy who went to Karabagh.
    He was stationed far away from any fighting to help with fixing some vehicles or something.
    I would say he was more of a headache to be slotted somewhere to be busy.

    The fact is you do not learn to fight on the battlefield.
    National service was compulsory in the Soviet Union.
    Therefore you had able bodied men who could be deployed with minimal organisation.

    The cultural setup in Armenia is such that people do leave their family members with their closest relatives to go to the front line.
    Such behaviour does not exist say in the west, its impossible. Nobody will look after your family.

    In order to reiterate my point, it is a known fact that the Azeri in the Soviet army were not put into fighting units.
    They were in some working groups, while Armenians were in active units many of them having seen action in Afghanistan.
    That showed on the battlefields.

    So if you feel you are duty bound to serve your country in any war that may happen go and join the Armenian Army as a conscript as many young men are doing already.
    I hope war never starts but if it starts you would be ready to serve your country.

    Otherwise you would join those upstarts on these bulletin boards pontificating about who did what.

    PS . Lampron and Gevz
    From the quality of your debates I assume you are young and rather immature.
    That's ok.
    However if you have not done any conscript service in the Armenian Army you will not be of any value to serve your country in case of a war.
    Essentially you will be the same as all those in the diaspora you are criticizing while sitting on your pedestal.
    Last edited by londontsi; 06-03-2015, 05:48 PM.

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